Karla has occupied a special place in ancient Indian and Chinese medicine. In this script, the use of karla against type 2 diabetes from ancient times is noteworthy. If insufficient insulin is released in the blood or insulin is interrupted due to any reason, then sugar absorption in our cells and type 2 diabetes can occur. The three components of the karla, namely- charantin, vicine, polypeptide-p play special role in the control of blood glucose. These three components reduce blood sugar levels individually or together. Apart from this, the special component called lectin of Karla works on our endemic collar and inhibits our hunger just as insulin works in our brain. The main cause of old age, cancer and many other diseases is the fact that our bodies are free radicals. Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Flavonoids work on Karla Vitamin A against these free radicals. Karla fiber makes it easier to digest food. So it is useful in constipation. Carola in our arteries that bad cholesterol binds, reduces its amount and ensures cardiovascular health. There is no pair of carrot juice for any respiratory problems, such as asthma, cold cough, etc. to cure quickly. Drinking a cup of two ounce kernels with a cup of honey mixed with regular water provides protection from asthma, bronchitis and franzeptitis. Defend the liver If you drink 1 glass caramel juice every day for 1 week, then any problems of liver can be found. Karlar Ross acts as liver cleanser. This juice cleanses the toxic blood, facilitates blood circulation and relieves the pain of arthritis Increase in strength The special components of the karla keep the blood free from contaminated material. Mix two ounce kernels juice mixed with lemon juice and get rid of blood irritants in four to six months after being taken every day in an empty stomach. Our strength increases in regular karla juice. Eye Health Because of high quality beta-carotene in Karla, there is no pair of karla to improve eye problems and improve eyesight. Skin care Regularly taking the juice of karlasis and other fungal infections of the skin are released. The beauty and protection of our skin depends largely on the level of acceptance. Hairstyle In addition to protecting the skin and health, hair care has a special role to protect. The underlying quality of the karla is able to solve any hair problem. To maintain the normal brightness of the hair, the hair is glazed after washing some cups of yogurt with yogurt and after washing it after washing it. A common problem is the breaking of the hair tip. To get rid of this, it is possible to get raw kerala juice in the form of a hair follicle for two days a week. Haram stopped eating natural hair. When a pinch of sugar mixed with sugar mixed with curry juice, hair fall decreases. Everyday 10 days, when the use of ripe hairs of the hair, the premature darkness of the hair decreases gradually. The mixture of karla juice and apple cedar vinegar can be used to remove excess oil from hair. General Dysfunction Apart from this, there is no pair of karla for domestic treatment of some diseases. Such as fever, cough, menstrual pain, burns and other wounds. In some regions of Africa and Asia, malaria and viral diseases such as measles, spring resistance and treatment are used. To prevent breast cancer Recent studies have shown that it is especially beneficial to destroy the cells responsible for breast cancer and to prevent their growth. Alert However, despite many benefits, taking more than two hours is harmful to health. Some people have been intolerant of it due to the presence of some elkaloid material in Karla. Symptoms of toxicity caused by liver are extra saliva emission, redness of the face, lack of eyesight, stomach pain, hunger pains, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness etc. After 10 minutes or so, the bitterness and toxicity of reddish Kela are greatly reduced. Getting pregnant during pregnancy is somewhat risky. The leakage factors increase the risk of uterine bleeding, premature infant and abortion. Because of this, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking birth during pregnancy.
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