Oceanic science is the term that says the study of the sea. The water is more than our land; About 71 percent of the water is the water, the rest is the land. There are many types of diverse animals and plants in this huge river. The oxygen needed for our livelihood, a large part of it comes from the sea, ie from marine plants. There may be major disasters due to the stormy sea again. Such as cyclone, tsunami etc. And not necessarily about the need for sea resources. Therefore, there is a need for study and research in the sea. There are basically four main parts of ocean science.
• Theoretical oceanography (biological oceanography); Where it is mainly taught about the marine biosphere.
• Chemical oceanography (chemical oceanography); This part consists of the study of the chemical elements of the sea, its formulation and reaction.
• physical oceanography (physical oceanography); This section is taught about the physical phenomena of seawater, tidal, temperature, density etc.
• Geological oceanography, which is the subject of the geography of the ocean under the head of the topic.
Although there is a chance to be expert in any of these four parts, each part is equally important in studying oceanography. What is the future
Currently, Blue Economy or the ocean-based economy is quite prominent in the whole world. The study of marine fisheries or biosphere in our country has not yet been researched about the physical, chemical, and geological aspects of the ocean. Many things about the Bay of Bengal are still unknown. So there are many fields of research in oceanography in Bangladesh. To ensure balanced utilization of sea resources by ensuring the balance of marine environment, the need to collect all types of sea-related information for the prevention and remedies of congestion, climate impact and other adverse conditions. But there is a lack of skilled manpower in the field of sea research in the country. Therefore, through this study, a student can use his talent to play a role in the development of the country.
Where's the carrier? If you study ocean science, it is not always the only time to travel around the ocean. Sometimes it may be necessary to go to the sea or to the sea coast to collect information. In some cases it is possible to work in satellite data or on computer without going to the sea. Some work can be done using laboratory equipment. Therefore, the fields of ocean science work are extensive and extensive. In ocean science, study or teaching can be taken as a profession. In that case it is better to make a PhD on any particular part of oceanography. There are several research institutes in our country. Like the Bangladesh Ocean Research Research Institute. There are job opportunities in oceanographic science at government, private and international level environmental related research institutes or various policy-making organizations.
Who will be? It is difficult to find people who do not like to see the sea or to travel to the sea. But to study oceanography, having a love for the sea, a student must be cognitive. Must have good occupation in physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology. At the same time, good English will know. Because, most of these books are written in English. It is better to know computer programming languages when reading physical marine science. In addition, there is a need for statistics in oceanographic research. To explore and analyze the mysteries of the ocean in the science of the unknown, which has the enthusiasm and interest-ocean science is for him.
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